Our 2019 Supporters


This is the page where we get to say THANK YOU!  There are so many people supporting us in so many ways – praying for us, giving a donation, buying something from our Mission Store, holding fund-raisers for us, donating items for our mission store, etc.  I wish I could keep a truly complete list of anyone who has given a single dime, said a single prayer or a word or encouragement.  We appreciate every one of you, and every contribution matters.  The people below are just a portion of those who are playing a part in getting us back to Poland.  If we know you were our supporter, I hope we haven’t failed to include you here.  And thank you to the many who have given anonymously.

Take a moment to pray (as we do daily) that God will bless all of our supporters for allowing God to use them to make this trip possible.  We hope all will keep following this blog and watch what He will do with it!

And several anonymous donors and kind strangers who bought from our Mission Store, gave financially, and lifted prayers on our behalf.

Thank you!